
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Bangladeshi Man Sentenced To 6 Months In Jail For Facebook Status

More from Bangladesh.

I bet Ruhul Khandakar, a Bangladeshi man currently teaching at a university in Australia, never thought a post on Facebook would get him into so much trouble back home, but it did. 6 months in jail for writing:

“Tareq Masud died as a result of government giving licence to unqualified drivers. Many die, why does not Sheikh Hasina die?”

Tareq Masud was a famous Bangladeshi award-winning, indie filmmaker who was killed in August, 2011 in a head-on collision with a bus. Four others died, and his wife was seriously injured.  Sheikh Hasina happens to be the Prime Minister. Oops.

Obviously, the status is gone from his Facebook page, but since he never showed up for court appearances in Bangladesh (kind of hard to do when you're living in Australia) he was sentenced to 6 months for contempt.  They're also trying to get him fired by demanding the university 'take action against him'.


Rahul said...

poorly educated, idiots rule that country... what else can you expect from the most corrupted country of the third world?

Incognito said...

But there are other countries not that far behind, in terms of corruption.