
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The White House Creates Tech Bias Form - Report Censorship of Conservatives

As most people have probably noticed by now, Social Media platforms are targeting big-time conservatives and others who don't toe the liberal line.  They are being suspended in droves, many forever, from Twitter and Facebook, often for no good reason.

If you spend any time on Twitter you will also notice that many of your fellow conservative followers wind up in what has been coined Twitter Jail. Most have no clue what landed them there and Twitter usually doesn't let you know. Those with a large following are usually targeted more than those of us with few followers, but even I wound up being blocked by Twitter from posting during the Kavanaugh hearings last year. One day I discovered I had been locked out for alleged suspicious behavior. After contacting them I received an email claiming my account had exhibited "automated behavior" that violated Twitter rules. I had to jump through a zillion hoops to prove I was not a spammer, and my account was finally unlocked- right after the hearings ended. Interesting timing. I was unable to post for days, even though I had immediately provided everything they had requested. Maybe my case wasn't censorship, but it sure felt like it. Ever see those "Caution: This account is temporarily restricted" notices. Yep, usually conservatives. And even though there are liberal celebrities and others who post vile things on Twitter, rarely if ever are they suspended. It's so obvious who they are censoring.

Many times it's the result of some snowflake liberal who reports someone for something they took offense to.  This kid on Twitter got a gay conservative suspended forever because @GayPatriot responded to someone with the word "tranny". He is so proud of what he did he pinned the post where he confessed to being the one who took @GayPatriot down.

I fear this is going to get worse especially if the Democrats take control of the White House and Senate.  It is imperative we don't lose in 2020.

In the meantime, for what it's worth, the White House has created a tech bias form where you can report any censorship.  Do it now.  It's so important to make sure our voices are not silenced before it's too late.

Report here.

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