Conservative Irish filmmakers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney are known for their documentaries FrackNation, Not Evil Just Wrong, Mine Your Own Business and The Search For Tristan's Mum. Their New York Times and Amazon Best Seller Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer was made into a feature film. Since the film deals with the infamous physician abortionist Kermit Gosnell who was jailed for life without the possibility of parole for the first-degree murder of three aborted babies born alive- among other horrors including performing numerous illegal late-term abortions over three decades- they had to fund the movie through crowdsourcing. The film stars conservative actors Dean Cain and Nick Searcy- who also directed. Not surprisingly they had a challenging time getting the film distributed or reviewed. Liberals don't cotton to the anti-abortion issue, as we are witnessing today.
McAleer is again dealing with censorship of sorts. A staged reading of FBI Lovebirds: Undercovers set to be performed on June 13 has been canceled by Washington D.C. Mead Theatre because of "threats of violence". Apparently, threats were posted on Kristy Swanson's Twitter page. She stars with fellow conservative Dean Cain in the project which is based on the entire anti-Trump texts between senior FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page.
McAleer, in a statement, condemned the cancellation at the Mead Theatre as censorship and pledged “that the show will go on despite the left’s attempts to sabotage it by forcing the venue’s withdrawal so close to the event date.”
“We will get a venue,” said McAleer. “The staged reading will go ahead. It will be filmed and released online and everyone will get to see the truth about how the upper echelons of the FBI tried to subvert democracy. This censorship will not succeed.”
“We are appalled,” they said in another statement. “The Mead Theater withdrew the event, citing ‘threats of violence.’ In actuality, this is an attempt to squash the content of FBI Lovebirds: UnderCovers and what it reveals about the anti-Trump forces in the government. They knew we are filming the play and planning to release it online. That’s why they banned us. They just don’t want the truth out there.”
The statement continued: “In fact, the theatrical establishment is really afraid of the way we are using Verbatim Theater, which utilizes only the actual words and texts from Strzok and Page. ... The intolerant left can’t challenge the actual, verbatim text.”
Whether the theatre legitimately canceled over security concerns or not- it's still censorship!
Since I have a photography shop on Etsy, I thought I'd share some fellow Etsy shops that are selling items for proud Americans.
Maga Dogs on Etsy sells a cute bandana kerchief for your doggy. Purchase here.
Right and Ready sells a large assortment of clothing and accessories with the MAGA theme. Purchase here.
The Donald Store sells hats and t-shirts. Purchase here.
Get KAG Swag has some skirts, leggings, the usual hats, and other Trump/MAGA-related items. Purchase here.
Here's someone on RedBubble who sells portraits of conservatives including Reagan and Churchill and many others. You can also purchase cellphone cases and a bunch of other products of the at work. Purchase here.
It's not easy to make a living in the arts so go support fellow conservative artists.
As most people have probably noticed by now, Social Media platforms are targeting big-time conservatives and others who don't toe the liberal line. They are being suspended in droves, many forever, from Twitter and Facebook, often for no good reason.
If you spend any time on Twitter you will also notice that many of your fellow conservative followers wind up in what has been coined Twitter Jail. Most have no clue what landed them there and Twitter usually doesn't let you know. Those with a large following are usually targeted more than those of us with few followers, but even I wound up being blocked by Twitter from posting during the Kavanaugh hearings last year. One day I discovered I had been locked out for alleged suspicious behavior. After contacting them I received an email claiming my account had exhibited "automated behavior" that violated Twitter rules. I had to jump through a zillion hoops to prove I was not a spammer, and my account was finally unlocked- right after the hearings ended. Interesting timing. I was unable to post for days, even though I had immediately provided everything they had requested. Maybe my case wasn't censorship, but it sure felt like it. Ever see those "Caution: This account is temporarily restricted" notices. Yep, usually conservatives. And even though there are liberal celebrities and others who post vile things on Twitter, rarely if ever are they suspended. It's so obvious who they are censoring.
Many times it's the result of some snowflake liberal who reports someone for something they took offense to. This kid on Twitter got a gay conservative suspended forever because @GayPatriot responded to someone with the word "tranny". He is so proud of what he did he pinned the post where he confessed to being the one who took @GayPatriot down.
I fear this is going to get worse especially if the Democrats take control of the White House and Senate. It is imperative we don't lose in 2020.
In the meantime, for what it's worth, the White House has created a tech bias form where you can report any censorship. Do it now. It's so important to make sure our voices are not silenced before it's too late.
Socialist loving liberals keep claiming that what is happening in Venezuela is a coup backed by the American government. The dire situation in that country, both economic and political, also caused by United States interference.
Comedian/writer/actress Joanna Hausmann, a Venezuelan/American living in New York puts that fallacy to rest in the video below where she explains what is really going on over there. And it's not the fault of the big bad imperialist United States of America and its unholy goal of oil dominance.
Hausmann says:
"What is happening in Venezuela is NOT a U.S. backed coup"
"This is not a fight between the Venezuelan Right Wing and the Venezuelan Left Wing. This is a fight of the great majority of Venezuelans to democratically get rid of an illegitimate and punitive dictatorship. A dictatorship of countless human rights issues"
"The people of Venezuela are seeking fair democratic elections using the laws written in our constitution."
"Juan Guaido did not just declare himself president out of nowhere, that is not how it works."
She then explains who Juan Guaido is, and how he was elected as an "interim" president until democratic elections can be held. She then delves into why Nicolas Maduro is "illegitimate" and why the elections were considered "illegitimate" by the international community as a whole, including some European socialist countries.
As for Maduro's alleged popularity in Venezuela?
"80 percent of Venezuelans disapprove of Maduro's government.."
"He took the minimum wage from $350.00 a month to $7.00 month."
"Inflation hit 1.7 million percent in 2018."
"According to U.N. projections over 5 million people have left the country causing a refugee crisis of Syrian proportions. That's more than 10 percent of the Venezuelan population."
A while back I was talking to a friend who lives in Colombia who told me about the huge influx of refugees pouring into that country from Venezuela. Hausmann's claims are true.
As for all that money from the Venezuelan oil industry, one of the largest reserves in the world? Stolen by politicians and others with ties to Maduro and Chavez, which is usually what happens with communist/socialist oligarchies. Those ruling at the top have all the money and privileges, while the 'people' get a pittance.
A web of former Venezuelan officials and businessmen was charged in Miami Wednesday with operating a massive $1.2 billion international money-laundering racket funded with stolen government money that was invested in South Florida real estate and other assets.
The defendants are accused of embezzling funds from Venezuela’s vast oil income and exploiting its foreign-currency exchange system to amass illegal fortunes in the United States and other countries, according to a federal criminal complaint.
The complaint describes a Venezuelan government culture in which officials, politicians and businessmen connected to President Nicolรกs Maduro and his predecessor, the late Hugo Chรกvez, have plundered the national oil company, PDVSA, to enrich themselves while impoverishing the South American country.
But the Socialist loving lefties blame the ills in Venezuela not only on the U.S. but Israel and the Saudis as well.
Ronda on Twitter is convinced that we- along with the Israelis and Saudis- are responsible for the demise of the Venezuelan economy.
⏳╰☆ ๐☆๐ก๐ธ๐ท๐ญ๐ช☆ ๐☆╮ ⏳
Follow Follow @39_Ronda
Replying to @Incognito73 @Rainbojangles
The US, Israel, and Saudi purposely manipulated oil prices, to crash the Venezuelan economy! Saudi flooded the market with oil, even taking a lose for Wall Street and Tel Aviv. It has nothing to do with socialism and everything to do with the greed of a few.
Many lefties happen to be anti-Semitic as well, so not surprising they blame Israel. Ronda also happens to be an anti-Israel, pro-Pali tool.
Sadly, you can't change their minds.
If Joanna can't convince you, what about this from Foreign Policy- they endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016.
James Bloodworth has this to say about how "the left keeps getting Venezuela wrong."
Venezuela is engulfed in a government-inflicted economic crisis twice the size of the Great Depression, which has provoked the largest movement of refugees in the recent history of Latin America. Meanwhile, the regime that has presided over this catastrophe is morphing from a nasty autocracy to a potentially full-blown dictatorship.
Yet much of the Western socialist left has persisted in ignoring the trajectory of Venezuela in order to sustain a fantasy of “21st-century socialism.” It’s reminiscent of the Western apologists for the Soviet Union that Arthur Koestler once compared to peeping Toms “who watch History’s debauches through a hole in the wall” while not having to experience it themselves.
This willingness to stand by a brutal dictator—albeit passively—belies a deeper sickness on the contemporary left. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, few on the left have had much real idea as to what a contemporary socialist economic program would—or should—look like in practice.
Although he is also critical of those on the right who he claims are glomming on to the current affairs in Venezuela in order to paint the modern Socialist movement as a failure. It's definitely worth a read.
I have no issues with those who choose to dress modestly. To each his own, as they say. And almost every religion has its conservative faction. What I do take issue with are those who use it as a political statement, those who force their women to dress conservatively, and those who might dress modestly but act in a contradictory fashion.
Take Sadia Azmats, a British Muslim stand-up comedian who wears a head covering, and then dresses like this.
The whole point of dressing "modestly in Islam, is not to call attention to oneself. Yet here Sadia is wearing skin-tight pants and red stiletto f-me shoes. Then again, she told Metro UK a few days ago:
It’s Ramadan, the month where Muslims not only fast our stomachs (during daylight hours) but when we Muslim women strive for modesty wherever it can be sought out.
The ‘modesty’ part is a bit of a problem for me. I’ve had sex during Ramadan (after Iftar, not during the fast which isn’t permitted) and it’s great.
Well it’s great all year round but there is a heightened sense of arousal given the increased awareness of primal urges through the hunger and thirst. If I had a choice, I’d give up a sandwich over semen.
But when I’m not observing fasting during the 30 days of Ramadan then society imposes upon me an almost involuntary fasting by holding me to a higher set of expectations than I do of myself.
Society expects me to be a ‘good girl’ and to lower my gaze around men. Muslim women are supposed to be bastions of culture, tradition, and responsibility, especially during Ramadan.
Muslim women like me – rounded, complicated, emotive and above all horny – aren’t even supposed to exist.
Say whaaat? Premarital sex in Islam is haram (forbidden) and considered a sin. According to Al-Islam:
(A) Pre-Marital Sex
Pre-marital sex is absolutely forbidden in Islam, no matter whether it is with a girl-friend or a prostitute. Pre-marital sex is fornication (zina).
It also happens to be punishable according to Sharia law.
Allah says:
Do not go near adultery, surely it is an indecency, and an evil way [of fulfilling sexual urge]. (17:32)
Fornication and adultery have severely been condemned in the saying of the Prophet and the Imams. In Islam, pre-marital sex is considered an immoral act against the rights of Allah and one's own sexual organs.
Pre-marital sex is a sin punishable by the Islamic court. If an unmarried man and an unmarried woman are found guilty of fornication in an Islamic court, their punishment will be as the following:
The woman and the man who fornicate scourge each of them a hundred whips; and in the matter of God s religion, let no tenderness for them seize you if you believe in God and the Last Day; and let a party of the believers witness their punishment. (24:2)
If the unmarried man or woman commit fornication more than once, then they will be punished three times by hundred wipes, and if they are proven guilty for the fourth time, then they will be put to death.6 (As for adultery, its punishment is even more severe because married persons have no excuse, whatsoever, to commit adultery. The shari'ah says that married persons guilty of adultery should be stoned to death.)
Therefore, pre-marital sex is out of the question as a means of fulfilling the sexual urge.
So, on the one hand, Sadia is wearing a hijab to show her devotion to her Allah:
The hijab is worn by Muslim women as an act of obedience to God’s command in the Quran, where Allah (God) says:
“And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment….” (Quran 24:31)
And yet she's blatantly going against Islamic law by having pre-marital sex.
Time to ratchet up the blogging considering the current state of affairs in our beloved land. It's going to be an exceedingly long two years.
Since the Democratic Party is swinging way left, with many young socialists currently in Congress, and the daddy of them all Bernie Sanders ranking second in the polls for the 2020 Democratic presidential race, albeit way behind Biden, the following video seems very timely.
In 2017 Joe Marranca put together a short film titled "We Were Warned: Freedom to Chains" highlighting a speech the eloquent conservative radio host Paul Harvey gave back in 1965 warning the American people about the dangers of giving in to Socialist influences. What Harvey discusses well over 50 years ago is uncannily apropos. And scary.