Have you ever been in the middle of researching something on-line, you have all these web pages up and running, and suddenly Internet Explorer crashes? I can't tell you how often that's happened to me, and the amount of time I have wasted tracking down the web pages I had been referring to. It actually happened tonight, so I thought I'd share something I discovered and have been using for a while. And no, I am not getting paid for sharing this info with you.
There is an amazing add-on called IE Plus 1.5 (from Shendoo) that you can download that will actually re-load all your web pages (or just the one's you want) when Internet Explorer crashes. It does some other cool stuff, though you could torture me and I couldn't tell you specifically what, but the great thing is that it is free! You will still have to sign in again to blogger and yahoo, but that's just a minor inconvenience.
I love this and think you will too.
You can download it from download.com here.
It's saved my royal you know what many times.
This is truly great info as I am a techno-idiot. When my computer starts acting up I start whining for a new one...so obnoxious. So maybe I will look into some other options to save the one I have, or understand more about helping it run better. woohoo...I learned something! :)N
Hey Nikki, this is actually for Internet explorer crashes only.. but it's truly a life saver.
But there are a lot of utilies that can help your computer run smoother, save your it from crashing, etc. I have used Norton Utilities for many years, but there are probably others out there that are just as good.
I'm sure you already do, but make sure you empty your IE cache (under tools) and that you use the various windows tools..like defrag etc. regularly. should keep you from getting too frustrated.
thanks girl I surely will research it oo!
You are welcome Angel. Only works for Internet Explorer, though. :-)
that is pretty neat incog... i will never lose my favorite porn sites because of "overloading" again.. oh no did i just say that out loud.... i kid...
It really is a great little add-on Peej to consider, if you use IE. Can't tell you the amount of times it's crashed. so annoying.
You know you really need to try firefox. I did and now I use IE only when I want to watch movies on Netflix online. Other than that I never use it.
I actually have it on my computer, but am so used to IE and many of it's convenience.. like having multiple webpages up at the same time.
Not sure i could give all that up. :-)
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