
Sunday, December 02, 2018

HuffPost Hates On #Rudolf The Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Other PC Foolishness

Christmas has progressively become a bone of contention in our ever increasing PC world. Now I have no issue with the catchall phrase "Happy Holidays", given there are other religions that celebrate holidays during this time of year, and you never know who might celebrate what.  But I do have a problem using that greeting simply to appease those people who are afraid "Merry Christmas" might offend someone. But there will always be PC folk finding ways to put the 'bah humbug' into the season.

Take Robious Middle School in Midlothian, Va. They've banned all Christmas songs mentioning the word Jesus for their 'winter concert', which no doubt, at some point in time, was called a Christmas Concert.  A concerned father contacted a teacher at the school to voice his complaint, but-
According to the teacher's email, after speaking with school administrators it was decided they would avoid singing anything of a direct sacred nature in order to be more sensitive to the increasing diverse population at the school.
Then the HuffPost, bastion of liberal PC-think, posted on Twitter a 2 minute plus video explaining just how "seriously problematic" the beloved Christmas classic movie Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is. The video is a mix of Twitter comments from last year, along with Huffpo's own inanities claiming the movie is racist and homophobic, Santa is a bigot and his operation lacks diversity, several characters encourage bullying, and Rudolf is marginalized. Totally missing the whole point of the movie. And it's just an animated movie, people. About reindeer and Santa!

Then a Cleveland, Ohio radio station has nixed the classic song "Baby It's Cold Outside" in light of the #metoo movement. The song form the musical comedy Neptune's Daughter actually has two versions, the male and female version. Not quite a Christmas movie, but often played during the winter season.  It was circa 1940s, different time, different societal strictures.

And Snowmen? Nope, SJWs want to rename them Snowpeople.

It's gonna get worse.

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