
Saturday, February 02, 2008

No Respect For Life- Sunni Insurgents Use Mentally Retarded Women As Walking Bombs

Muslims have absolutely no respect for the sanctity of human life! I say this without hesitation, without compunction, because it's simply the truth. On a daily basis we witness them killing each other, blowing themselves up with barely a word of condemnation from fellow Muslims. Other than Africa, they are the only ones, currently, annihilating each other. Without a second thought. With such ease, and no apparent guilt that it boggles the mind.

So why should we be surprised that they would use 2 females with Down Syndrome as human bombs to blow up several popular pet markets, yesterday, in Baghdad. They used a disabled child as a suicide bomber back in 2005 on election day. So what's another 2 disabled people?! They're obviously dispensible in that religion. Then again, all life is dispensible in that religion. But to send off 2 women (who probably had no idea what they were doing and how they would end up) carrying boxes of birds to a market place, and then detonating them by remote control is probably one of the most despicable and heinous acts I have heard, to date. Apparently, they are turning to women to do the unthinkable because people are less likely to suspect the women. Besides, they can hide all those explosives under those tents of black they call dresses. Remember, men can't touch women in that society, so they're not searched.

They claim to be fighting the supposed "occupation", but why then target their own people? Civilians! In market places, oftentimes schools. Women and children, both victims and perpetrators.

For a religion that purports to be so God-centered, and adherents who purport to be so pious, I see not a shred of humanity. Frankly I'm sick of it, and I refuse to sugar coat it anymore.


Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

I thought the incident involving the two females was so wicked as to be unbelievable. The perpetrators of such acts are beyond comprehension, if they can do this they can do anything. A “God centered” religion? More likely they’re aligned themselves with Gods enemy…

Patrick M said...

It is my hope that not all followers of Islam believe the perverted excuse for a religion these murdering creatures do.

Nevertheless, we must be ready as a nation to kill as many of these inhuman monsters as possible, wiping the plague that is their pseudoreligion from the face of the Earth. I don't think the Almighty is going to be too upset if these 'servants of Allah' are exterminated like the vermin they truly are.

Karen Townsend said...

It is hard to think of the religion as one of peace, that's for sure. I know it is a generalization but there is so much evil associated with Islam that it shades our thinking.

Thoughtful post, Incog.

WomanHonorThyself said...

I know how ya feel Incog...beneath contempt and the lefties dont bat an eyelash!

Pat Jenkins said...

you could of stopped after yur first sentence incog!!.... "They claim to be fighting the supposed "occupation", but why then target their own people? Civilians!" ... nary a sentence could be truer, but we have heard few voices of condemnation for these repeated acts!!

Stylin said...

They have no value for life

Blazingcatfur said...

A sure sign of desperation. Tragic for all the victims, including the unknowing bombers.

Incognito said...

AI: I know.. there are no words to fully describe what they've done. Well, they think they are aligned with God, but are far from it.

PM: The secular Muslims are fine, but there aren't that many.

KAREN: Thanks Karen... it's a subject that truly riles me. and sadly we're faced with it every day!

WOMAN: And our fractured party will lead to those lefties being elected to the White House.

FRASY: No, they don't.

BCF: That's what's even more despicable,,, using people who know nothing of what they are doing.

Dionne said...

Extremist Muslims do not believe in the sanctity of human life or a god of love. It is pretty sad.