
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pro-Palestinians And Anger Managment Issues: Or,why did Ali Mallah Assault Pro-Israeli Blogger at anti-Israeli Rally?

One thing that is becoming quite evident is that many Muslims, particularly of Arab and Asian descent, have some major, heavy-duty anger management problems. It's not just any perceived slight against their prophet Mohammad that sends them into paroxysms of rage, any little insignificant thing seems to get them all roiled up, including being videotaped at the numerous anti-Jew/Zionist/Israel rallies that seem to be increasing at an alarming rate. They hate being videotaped, although one would think they'd enjoy having their anti-Israel invective taped for posterity, but I guess they just hate being taped by anyone who happens to be pro-Israel. I've seen the videos of citizen journalists being harassed at Detroit Muslim festivals and elsewhere, and now, one of our own- Canadian blogger Blazing Catfur- was assaulted as he peacefully taped an anti-Netanyahu demonstration in Toronto. Although BCF was not hurt, the man who shoved him, Ali Mallah, needs some major therapy. Mallah happens to be a major player in the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and the VP of the Canadian Arab Federation.

BCF, who is often found taping anti-Israel demonstrations, was at this protest of the Annual Walk With Israel event when Mallah, the goon, walked up to him and asked him who gave him permission to take pictures. See the video below for what ensues. Excuse me, but no-one needs permission to videotape any public event. And why did Mallah become so indignant? BCF was just quietly taping the event, which he had every right to do, just as Mallah had his own right to be there. What freedom loving Canadians took offense to, was the fact the anti-event was being sponsored by Palestine House, which happens to be funded by Canadian taxpayers' dollars.

For more detail, or pictures and updates check out Blazing Cat Fur's blog.

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