
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Obama's Youth Sing "Yes We Can"!

If you want to see something incredibly creepy please watch the following video. Using children as political fodder I find despicable.  I actually wondered if this was for real, and yes, friends, it is.

Let's pray they can't.


WomanHonorThyself said...

hey there!..they stop at nothing!

Karen Townsend said...

I'm linking to you tomorrow for my post. I think the connection thru history is powerful. When I first saw the video, the children singing, I was thinking the same thought. Indoctrination works best when started very young.

Pat Jenkins said...

another "ick factor" huh incog? too many of those associated with obama...

Unknown said...

and to think Obama believes any of those singing little ones could have been legally murdered while still in their momma's wombs!

I saw a short piece on Fox news making a comparison as you did here, about socialist countries using children to win the hearts and minds of citizens. I was creeped out already, but seeing a few more comparisons here creeped me out all the more!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how time and again the Left will unselfconsciously fall into these same old Socialist behavioral cliches. That this is not a parody is frightening. And what bad music and lyrics, to boot!

Righty64 said...

It is really scarry. And, it is so typical of the left. From the communists, the Nazis, the facists. All of them. And, the left really loves to use children. You know, all the globaloney warming propaganda is "for the children". And remember Nancy Pelosi when she became Speaker of the House? She had her grandkiddies as props. Disgusting!

Incognito said...

ANGEL: No they don't. sadly.

KAREN: It always does start young. Look what they do to the babies in Palestine etc.

PAtJ: Yup.. and i just can't figure out why so many don't see it.

PAM: It is creepy.. b ut I have another video I will post soon, and it is even more frightening.

ZACK: I thought it was, at first.. but then I googled and found it wasn't. Sigh,

RIGHTY64: No, I don't remember... but yes... always effective to use the kids.