
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Anti-Obama Song That Got TN Coach Fired In 2010

This catchy anti-Obama song was written back in 2010, and actually got the co-writer Bryan Glover (a Tennessee assistant football coach), fired for having written it.

Glover (26 at the time) helped write the song with the father of one of the kids on his team. His problems began after he sent an email blast (from his personal email list) with a link to his honky tonk song-"When You're Holding A Hammer Everything Looks Like A Nail"-  to various people including parents of team members. Obviously not the right thing to do, because within a few hours he was fired for being politically incorrect, among other things.

"When the coach first called me, he said his phone was blown up with parents saying that I was being politically incorrect -- quote, unquote -- if you will, and that some of them were even reading into racial overtones in the song," Glover explains

There are no racial references or overtones in the lyrics, but he shouldn't have sent it to school parents unless he knew for sure that they shared his conservative political views.

Of course had it been a pro-Obama song, he'd probably still have his job. Remember this 2009 Obama indoctrination video? No firings there.

The "Hammer" song is as appropriate today as it was back then, and they're still blaming Bush for everything.


Anonymous said...

My son was in Middle school this year and he was taught in depth about freedom of speech, press etc. Fired, are you kidding me! Did these people that recieved the email forget they have a DELETE button. If that's the biggest bump they have in the road.... get over it.

Incognito said...

It probably depends on who the teacher is and where they stand re. politics. I find that liberals, and particularly those who adore Obama, have no tolerance for those who don't.

I agree. Delete if you don't like. But again, Obama lovers are very defensive.

If Middle School isn't so bad, just wait for college.