
Saturday, November 01, 2014

Walmart Caves- Removes Papa Pashtun Halloween Costume

Walmart caved to pressure and removed a Papa Pashtun Halloween costume, after a social media backlash. The costume was deemed racist.

“When it was brought to our attention on social media, we began working to pull this down. We are deeply sorry that this costume is on our website, and we are pulling it down as soon as possible. We are calling on all of the other retailers to pull it down as well,” Brooke Buchanan, senior director of Walmart Corporate Communications, told BuzzFeed News.
It was sold through a third-party vendor Costume Kingdom.

“We have strict policies with our third party vendors, and It’s very important to us that products on the site don’t offend groups of people, or minorities.”
This reminds me of when Sears pulled their Sexy Burka costume back in 2012.

Source: Al Arabiya

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