
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey Continues To Demand Apology and Payment From Israel- What about the Armenian Genocide?

It seems Turkey continues to insist that Israel apologize for the 9 activists that were killed on the Mavi Marmara, the Turkish ship that was part of the 'Gaza Freedom Flotilla' back in May of 2010. In addition to the apology, they want compensation before they re-establish full diplomatic ties with Israel.

One of the few Middle Eastern/Arab/Muslim countries that had diplomatic ties and friendly relations with Israel, that friendship ended after the Freedom Flotilla attempted to break the the Gaza strip blockade, at least according to Ahmet Davutoglu Turkey's Foreign Minister who said  "Israel buried our friendship in the deep waters of the Mediterranean."

Though it's unfortunate anyone died, placing total blame on the Israeli commandos is questionable. Who, after all, started the violence? In this video it seems quite apparent that the Turks initiated it, and the IDF navy was simply responding.

The flotilla, after all, was forewarned, and obviously chose to ignore those warnings.

The Israel Navy requested the ships to redirect toward Ashdod where they would be able to unload their aid supplies which would then be transferred over land after undergoing security inspections.

Had they truly been interested in 'helping' Gazans in their 'humanitarian crisis', one would think they would happily comply with the Israeli Navy and redirect; but it's quite obvious those flotillas were there as part of the anti-Israel movement. This was made even more obvious with the Red Cross statement that there is no humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

It's too bad Turkey feels that way, considering they have yet to officially apologize for the Armenian Genocide, let alone acknowledge it. 

Maybe Israel will apologize after Turkey does.  As for compensation, I think Israel would come out ahead: 9 dead versus upwards of 1 million Armenians. 

People who live in glass houses, as they say.

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