
Monday, November 28, 2011

Islamic Violence Burns Down 8 Churches In Nigeria and Blows Up Hotel In Philippines

I picked up my local paper this morning and discovered that those harbingers of peace and enlightenment were busy this past weekend, as per usual.

Boko Haram, Islamic extremists-cum-terrorists, had a field day attacking Christians, burning down eight churches, a bank (which they robbed), a police station and several local businesses in Geidam, in northeastern Nigeria.

"The Geidam divisional police headquarters and First Bank were bombed on Saturday evening by Boko Haram and fire was exchanged into the night between police and Boko Haram members," a police spokesman told reporters. "Four policemen were killed, 20 wounded, eight churches and 20 market stalls as well as Geidam council secretariat are completely destroyed."

No-one knows the exact casualty count, yet, but they managed to kill over 100 people during an attack the beginning of November, in the capital of Damaturu. 

Even though southern Nigeria is mostly Christian and the north is predominately Muslim, Boko Haram, which means "Western education is forbidden"  is hell-bent on establishing Shariah Law in all regions of the country.

Then we have the bomb blast that literally blew off the roof of a modest two story hotel in Zamboanga, Philippines. Although not directly linked  to a local Christian wedding that was being hosted there on Monday,  it is being blamed on one of that country's small but deadly Islamic terrorist groups Abu Sayyaf. At least 3 people were killed and over 27 wounded in the blast, two seriously injured. Apparently, Abu Sayyaf had planned two attacks, one in Isabela City where a bomb was defused near a local business. Authorities believe the owner was being extorted and refused to pay. The owner of the hotel in Zamboanga denies any extortion threats. Abu Sayyaf are bucking for an independent Islamic state in Mindanao.

Interesting to note that not only are they religious extremists, they're also common criminals.

All in a weekend's work for the religion of peace.

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