
Friday, June 15, 2012

Chinese Woman Forcibly Aborted At Seven Months

Forced abortions are still happening in China, because of their one-child policy.
This poor seven months pregnant woman was beaten up and then forced to abort because she didn't have enough money to pay the fine for having a second child.

And they plopped the almost full-term fetus next to its mother? Heartless and criminal.

A human rights group has learned that a woman was forcibly aborted at seven months of pregnancy on June 3 in Shanxi Province, China.

Women’s Rights Without Frontiers informed LifeNews that a new report from the China-based human rights organization 64Tianwang indicates the woman, Feng Jianmei, was beaten and dragged into a vehicle by a group of family planning officials while her husband, Deng Jiyuan, was out working.

The officials asked for RMB 40,000 in fines from Feng Jianmei’s family and, when they did not receive the money, they forcibly aborted Feng at seven months, laying the body of her aborted baby next to her in the bed (seen in picture, right). Feng is under medical treatment in Ankang City, Zhenpin County, Zengjia Town, Yupin village.

Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, said, “This is an outrage. No legitimate government would commit or tolerate such an act.”

“Those who are responsible should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity,” Littlejohn said. “WRWF calls on the United States government and the leaders of the free world to strongly condemn forced abortion and all coercive family planning in China.”

Read the original report (in Chinese) about Feng Jianmei here (warning: additional graphic images).

The report comes after global pressure appeared to have stopped Chinese family planning officials in Changsha, Hunan province from following through with a threatened forced abortion on a woman and her unborn baby in the fifth month of pregnancy.

H/T Mommylife

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