On the national level, we saw the election of our first black president, which would have been wonderful had it been the "right" black president. I blogged about what a disaster it would be to vote for Obama, and how a no vote or a vote for a 3rd party candidate was essentially a vote for Obama. People did anyway, and now many regret the decision. I'd like to say I told you so, but what would I gain from that. I just hope people remember, and vote the right way in 2010 and 2012. And though it seems that Obama could lay waste to this precious country in 4 short years, 2010 is a new year and the start of a new decade, and I am ever hopeful that things can change, for the better. And not Obama's vacuous claims of "hope and change." Real hope and change- because miracles happen.
We've seen more violence and more craziness around the world, with an increase in radical Islam (and the ultimate goal of global domination by extremists), but on the other hand we've also seen Muslims against terrorism and shariah become more vocal in their condemnation, both here and abroad. We are also witnessing that there are those in the Middle East who truly want democracy and will fight to achieve that goal, and so we need to pray for the Iranian people who are fighting on their own for freedom. All they want is moral support. Let's give it to them. Maybe more will follow suit, though that's highly unlikely. So, in spite of the mess our sad little world is in, 2010 is a new year and the start of a new decade, and I am ever hopeful that 'good' will win over 'evil'- because the good guys always win, and miracles do happen.
And if you don't believe in miracles watch this
Wishing everyone a blessed, prosperous and Happy New year. May it bring many miracles into all of our lives.